Biblical Hebrew 1
Admission No admission test is required for the first year. Objectives: Ability to read biblical texts written in square letter …
No admission test is required for the first year.
- Ability to read biblical texts written in square letter Hebrew
- In-depth knowledge of the most important structures of Biblical Hebrew syntax and grammar
- Ability to translate a short biblical text
- Knowledge of the basic vocabulary.
The course aims to gradually introduce the student to the knowledge of the most important grammatical structure of Biblical Hebrew.
After an introduction to the language and to its writing system, students will learn the basic notions of Biblical Hebrew phonetic and morphology; during the lessons and the exercises, the professor also addresses syntax. Through the exercises included in the textbook, at the end of the course, students will be able to read, translate and analyze some short and easy biblical texts.
The course will be held in classroom. Upon request at the moment of the enrollment, the course may be also attended online. The IISC will provide students a link to access the virtual classroom and attend the course via live streaming. Lessons in streaming will be recorded and they will stay available for the students to see for a week.
- Upon the completion of the course, students who have attended at lest the 75% of class hours, may access the course Biblical Hebrew 2.
It is of the utmost importance that students have their textbooks since the first day of classes:
1. T.O. Lambdin, Introduzione all’ebraico biblico, ed. italiana a cura di E. Obara, GBPress, 2016
– Students who have attended at least 75% of class hours may obtain a course completion certificate.
The course is also recognized by the MIUR – Regional School Office for Lazio as valid for the professional training of teaching staff.
First lesson
Last lesson
No class days
2025 January, 2
2025 April, 24
2025 May, 1
First lesson
Last lesson
No class days
2023 December, 21
2023 December, 28
2024 January, 4
2024 March, 28
2024 April, 25
Paolo Merlo teaches Old Testament at the Pontifical Lateran University in Rome.
He earned a PhD in Theology Pontifical Lateran University) and a PhD in Ancient Near Estern (L’Orientale University of Naples).
Besides many publication in Italian and international journals, he has published: La religione dell’antico Israele (Carocci, 2009); Il Senso della Storia. Introduzione ai Libri storici dell’Antico Testamento (San Paolo Edizioni, 2014; alongside with M. Settembrini); Re. Introduzione, traduzione e commento (San Paolo Edizioni, 2020); Storia d’Israele e Giuda nell’antichità (San Paolo Edizioni, 2022).
His researches focus on the Old Testament, religion, history and epigraphy of Siro-Palestinian cultures in Pre-Classical Ages.
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