
Latin 3 – Latin Literature



Refund Policy

  • The course fees are in no case refundable;
  • The student, who had to leave the class for serious and proven reasons (i.e. serious health reasons, attested through medical certificate; variation of the work schedule, attested by the employer), having followed less than the 15% of the class hours, may receive a credit at the IISC. The credit will amount to the total fees already paid to which the amount of the class hours already followed will be subtracted. The student might spend the credit in any of the IISC courses, subject to availability of places, no later than the following academic year. If the chosen course requires an admission test, the student will have to take and pass the exam.
  • • Students residing abroad who need a Visa for attending the courses in person, have right to a total refund of the academic fees if they do not manage to obtain the VISA in time for the beginning of the courses.